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Top Liposuction Questions Answered, Part 3

At New Radiance Cosmetic Center of St. Lucie, we receive countless questions about our procedures. In this series of posts, we will attempt to answer the most common and important liposuction questions (to read Part I, click here; for Part II, click here).

What Different Kinds of Liposuction Are There?

Most everyone has heard of liposuction, but what they often don’t realize is how many types of liposuction there are, and how different procedures can lead to different results. The technology has improved dramatically over the last twenty years, sometimes incorporating lasers and ultrasound into the process, all with the goal of increasing successful results for every body type that can benefit.

We have compiled a list and a description of the different types of liposuction — how they are done and what the goals of each are — in the hopes of clarifying liposuction for the average person.

Syringe Liposuction

Unlike most other forms of liposuction, syringe liposuction does not use a machine. A syringe attached to a tube is inserted into the treated area, and then removed, creating suction. This suction allows for about 60 cc of fat to be withdrawn from the area. This process is simple and effective, with minimal blood loss and quick healing. However it can only used to treat small areas.

Ultrasonic Liposuction and External Ultrasound-Assisted Lipoplasty

In this form of liposuction, the cannula (the thin tube which sucks the fat out) emits ultrasonic energy in order to liquefy the fat, ensuring a greater ease of suction. The two processes differ in that while in the first the ultrasound emitted internally, the second procudure (as the name suggests) passes the ultrasonic waves externally, liquefying the fat through the epidermis and dermis. The first is considered more effective, but with minor risks. The second is considered safer, but not all surgeons feel that this technique makes fat removal any easier.

Laser Liposuction

Laser-assisted lipoplasty is conceptually akin to ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty in that fat is liquefied before suctioning. Doctors use lasers to liquefy the fat before removal, making it easier to vacuum out via liposuction. Lasers may also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which results in firmer, tighter, and smoother skin. Lasers may also coagulate small blood vessels in the area, which translates to less bruising.

Power-Assisted Lipoplasty

Power-assisted lipoplasty is a common method of liposuction. The cannula can be moved forward, backward, side to side or even in a circular motion as a result of a motor attached to the handle of the suction tube.

Power-assisted lipoplasty makes removing fat from the body a quick and easy procedure with minimal blood loss. This makes it especially suitable for removing large amounts of fat such as in the thighs, buttocks or abdomen.


Micro-liposuction refers to the use of needles in removing small amounts of fat deposits. For this reason Micro-liposuction tends to be most suitable for treating regions of the face such as the jowls, chin or neck. In order to get good results from micro-liposuction, specialized micro liposuction equipment is required and not solely the standard liposuction equipment used.

Smart Liposuction

Dr. Neil Goodman, the resident liposuction expert of New Radiance Cosmetic Center of St. Lucie, utilizes a procedure he refers to as Smart Liposuction. Smart Liposuction combines traditional liposuction with laser liposuction and years of experience for the most effective procedure for getting rid of unwanted fat and creating a sculpted body.* The laser liposuction is performed after the traditional liposuction, in order to tighten the skin, and in order to allow Dr. Goodman to remove pure fat, which is especially useful in the case of fat grafting, as liquefied fat would be of no use.

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