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Liposuction and Your Body: Top Liposuction Questions Answered

By Smart Liposuction

At New Radiance Cosmetic Center, we receive countless questions about our procedures. In this series of posts, we will attempt to answer the most common and important liposuction questions.

Where Can Liposuction be Performed?

Common Liposuction Areas
A french surgeon, Dr. Charles Dujarier, performed the first modern liposuction on the leg of a female model in 19261. Obviously, techniques and equipment have improved dramatically since then. Nowadays, liposuction removes fat safely and effectively from many areas of the body. Several areas can be targeted in the same session. While most patients choose to remove fat from a few popular areas listed below, surgeons can remove excess fat from anywhere, including the ankles (or cankles) and knees.

Most Popular Liposuction Areas

  • Abdomen
  • Waist/Love Handles/Muffin Top
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

Other Liposuction Areas

  • Chest – for males (to treat gynecomastia) or females (for breast reduction)
  • Chin/Neck
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Calves, Ankles
  • Knees

Liposuction removes fat cells from the subcutaneous fat layer, below the dermis and above the muscle. Liposuction does not remove internal fat (i.e., visceral fat) around your organs (e.g., stomach and intestines).

The lack of major blood vessels in the subcutaneous layer, along with the smaller cannula which is used (3 or 4mm), helps keep blood loss minimal. Additionally, the tumescent fluid used to numb the area constricts the capillaries, further minimizing bleeding. It should be noted that general anesthesia is never used, only tumescent fluid in the local site of the procedure.

1.The History of Liposuction

How Much Fat Should I Remove?

The amount of fat taken depends greatly on the type of body that you have and on how much fat there is. For people with a medium build, about 4000 to 6000 ccs (1 to 1.5 gallons) of fat is typically removed during the procedure. For people with a smaller frame, one can expect around half of this amount to be removed during the course of one procedure.

A liposuction procedure can only deal with small volumes of fat at a particular time. This comes into play during what is known as Large Volume Liposuction, where the procedure is broken up into two procedures separated by one to two months. Good candidates for such a procedure are about 50 to 75 pounds over chart weight.

Also of interest is that not all the fat in one particular area will be taken out — there will still be some fat left behind so that your body retains normal looking contours.*


*Please note that with all surgical procedures individual results will vary.

Can Sex Make You Look Younger?

Can Sex Make You Look Younger?

By Uncategorized

Can Sex Make You look Younger?

Appearing younger and sexier is an appealing aspiration to everyone who is over the age of thirty. So it seems only fitting — if maybe a little unfair — that those of us who are having the most sex may be looking better as a result. According to Dr. David Weeks, a clinical psychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, regular sex can actually make you look younger, as a recent study found that men and women with an active sex life appeared five to seven years younger than their age.

This sounds great to us. But is this science or just wishful thinking?

Sex Makes Your Skin Radiant

Some of the side effects of sexual activity include boosting one’s immune system, increasing one’s circulation and sweating out one’s toxins; also, during coitus, our facial muscles can loosen our expressions. As a combinatory effect, your face and your face’s skin can get that “post-sex glow”, something which can plausibly retard facial wrinkles.

Sex Releases Anti-Inflammatory Molecules

Oxytocin — the hormone well-known for its anti-aging and anti-obesity properties — is released during sex, as are beta endorphins. As explained by Dr. Amy Wechsler, a holistic dermatologist, noted: “When you have sex, you’re bathing the skin in anti-inflammatory molecules such as oxytocin and beta endorphins. As we get older, we don’t heal as often as we repair. But having sex can turn the clock back on that.”

Sex for Skin Health

Study results have shown that sex helps people sleep better and reduces stress, and both can affect skin health. Furthermore, oxytocin and beta endorphins have been shown to treat acne as well. So not only is sex preventive skin care, it can be considered curative as well! Lastly, for women: regular sex increases estrogen levels, which can fight dry skin and can improve skin elasticity.

If ever there was a win-win, this has got to be it. Maybe that’s why they call it “getting lucky”!

And so this begs the question: how often does one need to engage in sexual intercourse in order to reap the rejuvenating benefits? Dr. Wechsler recommends at least two to three times a week. As for us, we think that sex is a healthy part of a youthful and energetic lifestyle, and should be entered into as a natural extension of such a lifestyle. Enjoy yourself, your partner, and your life together, and we think you’ll be just fine — and maybe save on a few bottles of ant-aging cream.


Does Stress Cause Wrinkles?

Does Stress Cause Wrinkles?

By Uncategorized

While we at New Radiance Cosmetic Center of St. Lucie try to help our clients’ physical appearance through procedures or products, here at our blog, we emphasize preventive care, particularly diet and exercise, in order to keep your skin and your body in top form, using natural methods to fight the aging process.

What then, about the greatest silent killer of all: stress?

Stress is already known for causing internal damage — according to the American heart Association, stress is linked to hypertension and heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States. It can also lead to ancillary problems such as excessive drinking, smoking, or overeating, which in turn can lead to mortal damage.

But what about externally? Does stress affect skin health? The answer seems to point at yes. One particular 2004 study showed a link between chronic stress and aging, as telomeres (structures at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with aging) also shorten prematurely in people experiencing long-term psychological stress; in effect, prematurely “aging” the cells.1

Stress also releases adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol, sometimes known as the stress hormone. Adrenalin accelerates the heart rate and constricts blood vessels; norepinephrine also affects the heart, and cortisol increases fat storage and degrades collagen. As wrinkles are formed by a weakening of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis, the connection between stress and premature aging of the skin should be obvious. The skin has trouble replenishing itself naturally when cortisol is constantly coursing through the body thanks to a constant stream of stress.

This begs the question: does it matter what you eat or what you apply to your face if you are always in a state of internal worry? Perhaps it’s time to look inward in order to preserve your outward appearance.

Some suggestions:

  • Relax! Don’t worry so much. Especially about aging — it’s creates a vicious cycle! And try to get enough sleep.
  • Create “me” time. Make sure you read a bit of your favorite book, or catch the movie you’d like to see. Get it done!
  • Take up a hobby. A hobby are not chores, or “me” time; hobbies are activities that you love to do, and that you are good at. Arts, music, creating of something. Make that time in your life, and you’ll look forward to those moments throughout the week!
  • Exercise. Aside from all of the benefits of exercise, maintaining your stress levels are one of the best effects. Working out lowers your blood pressure, increases endorphin levels, and improve sleep, which also helps to manage stress.
  • Alternative Therapy. Meditation, acupuncture, or yoga may seem far-fetched to a lot of Westerners, but these techniques have been used in Asia for centuries as tried and true methods for maintaining a balance between the body and the mind, and helping one to achieve a calmness of thought.

Big Butts Are Back

By Uncategorized

The History and the Industry of the Superior Posterior

Kim Kardashian. Nicki Minaj. Iggy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez. What is the first thing that comes to mind when one reads these names? Okay, so the headline gave it away. These are women who are internationally famous for, among other things, their superior posteriors.

Kim Kardashian's Famous Butt

Kim Kardashian

It can seem that all of a sudden shapely figures have replaced the ultra-thin look of the runway supermodel; but the appreciation of a full female form is nothing new. From Marilyn Monroe to Anna Nicole Smith, women with curves have been sex symbols. But admittedly, there was less of a focus on these women in pop culture. And while Sir Mix-A-Lot was talking about Baby having “back” back in the day, the representation of female beauty in the ’90s was less Jennifer Lopez and more Jennifer Aniston.

Why are bigger booties becoming so popular, and why now? Partly because of the way beauty trends ebb and flow, and partly biological. Big hips complemented by a small waist are an indicator of feminine fertility and physical strength. And thanks to the influence of more cultures — particularly Latino culture, claims sociologist Jean-Claude Kaufmann, but also black culture, stars like Minaj, Lopez, or Beyonce are attracting more and more attention.

And with more attention comes more imitation. Susan Bloomstone, co-founder of the company Booty Pop, a padded underwear company, puts it bluntly: “People just want more booty.” As women try to emulate these gluteally endowed celebrities, an entire industry around the trend has boomed.

Gymnasiums now advertise squat classes to firm and grow the butt. Meanwhile, cosmetic procedures are increasing to help women achieve that hourglass look. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, butt augmentation procedures have shot up 58 percent from 2013 to 2014. In particular, the Brazilian Butt Lift — named after the country that perfected the surgery (not to mention the booty) — is a transfer of fat via liposuction, and it is becoming the most popular method, over implants which can feel fake and invasive. Brazilian Butt Lifts also skyrocketed over the past year, up 58 percent from 2012.

And so the trend of plump rumps goes on. But will it last? We think so. As long as there are women who want to stand out — quite literally — among the crowd, there will be methods to help them achieve their desires, and no shortage of admirers to approve.

Diet for a Healthy Skin

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Diet For a Healthy Skin

Healthy Diet for Skin Care

Beauty is only skin deep, so the saying goes. But our current knowledge of diet, and how it affects not only overall health but skin care, tells us otherwise. Aside from protection from too much sun, one’s diet is the most important factor in how healthy, supple, and elastic your skin is going to be. In this post, we’re going to examine some of the most essential components of a diet mindful of skin care health.


You might think that I’m going to start out by telling you something you already know — “Don’t eat too much fat!”

Well, sure. A diet low in animal fat reduces the production of free radicals that can prematurely age skin. But the consumption of a healthy amount of certain types of fat is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy complexion. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in such foods as fish, eggs, and certain oils, help keep skin-cell membranes firm and elastic. Moreover, fat helps your body absorb antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins. Try to eat unsaturated fats, found in oils and nuts, as opposed to animal fat.

Fruits and Vegetables

Need another reason to eat your veggies? It’s great for your skin. Antioxidants in all types of produce, from tomatoes to leafy greens, neutralize free radicals that lead to wrinkles, spots and telltale aging signs on your skin and block the chemical reactions that lead to sun damage. As for fruit: oranges and lemons offer protection from sun-induced free radical damage through the power of vitamin C, an antioxidant and immune booster. The dark pigment in blueberries results from their high carotenoid content. Carotenoids, which include beta-carotene, possess antioxidant qualities. Beta-carotene boosts skin health through its ability to convert to an active form of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A stimulates the renewal of skin cells for a softer, smoother, more glowing appearance.

They all do something right, and deep down, you know it.

Low-Carb Diet

Not just an Atkins diet, eating less carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and refined sugar can lower cortisol and minimize breakouts. In its stead, try to eat whole grains, which contain antioxidants (seeing a pattern here?)


I can’t stress this one enough. Drink lots of water! We all know the drill — 8 ounces, 8 times a day. Skin cells, like all cells, are mostly water and need to be replenished to function properly. If you aren’t hydrating, your skin will get dry and flaky, and will become more prone to wrinkles.

Alcohol and Cigarettes

This is just a quick reminder of something else you ought to know. Too much alcohol and smoking at all can have drastic effects on your skin. Take it easy on the wine, and avoid cigarettes altogether! Your skin and your other organs will thank you.

Notox – The New Trend for 2014

By Uncategorized

While nothing can take the place of cosmetic procedures like BOTOX® or dermal fillers, a new buzzword is being heard by skin care professionals and cosmetic physicians the world over: Notox.

What is Notox?

“Notox” simply refers to non-invasive treatments, like microdermabrasion or laser skin treatments, and have become more popular as of late, due to an increasing trend toward more natural procudures. In fact, according to the UK Daily Mail, such treatments are up 200 percent in 2014 from the previous year.

‘Both have seen massive rises in numbers of new clients, and we hear from many of our new clients that they are concerned about over-use of injectables and so in terms of anti-ageing treatments they are turning to preventative measures.’

‘Notox’ vs. BOTOX®

Is “Notox” anything new? Not really. Non-invasive treatments have been around for years, and the benefits can be huge. Microdermabrasion and other types of peels and facials can be great for bringing out the best of one’s skin, and laser and photofacial technology allows for a true restorative and rejuvenating procedure. And while the backlash against Botox may be unwarranted and based on misinformation, non-invasive techniques are fantastic ways to treat your face and yourself, preventing certain types of sun damage from taking hold and tightening skin in one form or another.

xeomin Before After 5

That said, the benefits from ‘Notox’ are completely different from what makes Botox work – namely, the relaxing of muscles that, over time, create creases in the skin. BOTOX works both as an immediate solution to wrinkles that have already formed and a preventive for lines yet to be. As for dermal fillers, these add volume for areas that currently are lacking, due to bone density and collagen loss. Both of these procedures are, ultimately, temporary (even though some fillers can last 1-2 years), and cause no lasting effects.

In the end, one must choose the procedure that works for them and their particular cosmetic issues and concerns. We recommend all the above treatments, provided that the customer is well-informed about what each procedure can provide.*

Venus Freeze Video

By Video

Venus Freeze Video*

This Venus Freeze video showcases what the press and nationally-renowned experts think of the procedure. Providing excellent results for fat reduction and skin tightening, the Venus Freeze is the latest non-surgical treatment people are raving about. See for yourself.

*Please note that individual results will vary.

Radiesse Video

By Video

Radiesse Video

This Radiesse video describes how the dermal filler Radiesse works to smooth out lines and wrinkles in your face, replacing lost facial volume while simultaneously stimulating regrowth of your own natural collagen. A more youthful, well-rested look can be yours with this dermal filler, and it has long-lasting results*.

*Please note that individual results will vary.

Dysport Vs. Botox

By Neuromodulators

Dysport vs. Botox

A common question from clients who are interested in neuromodulators is: “What is the difference between Dysport® vs. Botox®?” Alternately, there are those who are reluctant to try anything but Botox, which is clearly the more well-known brand, simply because they have never heard of Dysport, or for that matter, Xeomin (for more on Xeomin, click here).

Botox® (onabotulinumtoxin A) and Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxin A) are both forms of botulinum toxin A and effectively have the same action on muscle function. Both are FDA-approved therapeutic muscle-relaxers targeting the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. For the most part, they can be used interchangeably but a free consult can always help you decide which is best for you.

Dysport® has a smaller protein load than Botox®, meaning fewer antibodies (what our bodies use to find and destroy antigens) will form to work against it. The assumption is that Dysport® should last longer than Botox®, and clinical trials indicate that Dysport® has longer lasting results. It is also important to note that for every one unit of Botox® approximately 2.5 units of Dysport® are required to achieve the same results.

Dysport Before and After

*Please note that individual results will vary.

Dysport® diffuses farther than Botox®, and its onset of action is faster. The faster onset of action is noteworthy, usually within a few days as opposed to two weeks.
The diffusion can be a plus or a minus. In larger areas like the forehead (provided the injections are placed high enough above the brows) or even crow’s feet, Dysport® may be more beneficial to address the wrinkles with fewer injections. However, in areas like the glabella or brows, Botox® can often be more precise. In those areas, diffusion may result in eyelid ptosis, or drooping of the eyelids.

The best way to find out is to speak with a professional in order to learn which product your particular features respond to.*

CoolSculpting vs. Smart Liposuction

By Smart Liposuction

Many of our patients ask us about CoolSculpting®, based on a magazine article or a billboard they have read. “Freeze the Fat: does it work?” and “Is it worth it?” are among the most common questions. As a service, we want to compare CoolSculpting to Smart Liposuction in terms of effectiveness, risks, and cost.

CoolSculpting Cost – Abdomen & love handles  $5300

2 Abdomen Treatments at $1350 each  Total $2700
2 Love Handle Treatments $650 per side (4 Treatments)  $2600
Smart Liposuction – Abdomen & love handles $3500

* Savings Over CoolSculpting = $1800

* Fat Removed –  7 Times the Fat Removed

  • Abdomen Treatment  Total $2500 Base cost first area
  • 1 Additional area (Both Love Handles Treated)  $1000

What is CoolSculpting?

As per RealSelf, “CoolSculpting is non-surgical device that uses controlled cooling to destroy fat cells by freezing them, thereby eliminating unwanted fat.”

  • CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is a non-surgical fat reduction device that uses cooling to eliminate fat cells, a process referred to as Cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting.
  • Clinical studies of CoolSculpting report an average of 20 percent fat loss per treated area.1 It does not work on obesity; rather Zeltiq is designed for spot treatment of areas such as love handles, back fat, bra rolls, and stomach rolls.
  • A typical CoolSculpting session lasts 60 minutes and costs approximately $$600 -$700 for the small or $1400 per area for the large applicator, depending on applicator size.
  • During the procedure Coolsculpting pinches the fatty area between the CoolSculpting applicator arms. This applicator then cools this fat to freeze the fat and kill the fat cells. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as Cool Liposuction or Cool Lipo.


You want to lose that unwanted fat and have heard about “Freezing the Fat” with CoolSculpting. But before you schedule the procedure you need to know the facts.

CoolSculpting by ZELTIQ is designed to treat small areas of fat deposits in “trouble spots” and is only for those people with “a mild amount of extra fat whose fat deposits are localized” and it ONLY results in eventual reduction of 23% of the fat which is treated. The amount of fat treated in the large Coolculpting applicator is about the size of a stick of butter. Only 1/4 of fat treated will succumb to the Cryolypolysis (freezing the fat) process. CoolSculpting also takes 3 to 6 months to see the final result.

Conversely, with Smart liposuction results are immediate. Smart Liposuction can remove many whole “sticks of butter” from each treatment area which is many times more fat removed than CoolSculpting. With Smart Liposuction you walk in and walk out and Boom; you have a new body.* With Smart Liposuction you not going to need a second treatment on areas treated although many people do come back for other areas.*

Research states  23% of fat treated during a  CoolSculpting treatment will eventually die and then are naturally eliminated from your body… But hold on, that leaves over 75% of the fat treated in place!  So will 23% reduction (in the small areas treated) make a difference in the way you look?   Maybe not and this is why some physicians say  ”some patients may benefit from a second treatment” because a second CoolSculpting treatment will allow you to lose another 20% of the fat in that treatment area.1 But the questions you should be asking is how many treatments do you need and on what areas, how long do treatments take and how much will it cost in total?

So here is the story, CoolSculpting  fat treated in the large applicator is described as about the size of a stick of butter which is the amount of fat which is sucked into the CoolSculpting applicator (as can be seen, the fat actually looks like a stick of butter after the treatment – see picture). Cost wise, CoolSculpting is billed per treatment cycle. Studies show 23% of fat treated eventually is reduced then the amount of fat is  just about a 1/4 stick of butter! A treatment cycle  $1300- $1500 for the large applicator which treats large areas (Stomach) and is $600 -$700 per cycle for the small applicator which treats small areas (each love handle) putting the cost for both love handles and stomach at just around $3000 for one treatment each and 23% of the treated fat reduced. If  a second round of treatments are needed that another $3000!

If you are starting to wonder how much does CoolSculpting cost for the actual amount of fat removed and how much of your fat is really going to be removed or destroyed and what will you lose and look like then read on.  You may even be beginning to wonder if you are even a good candidate for CoolSculpting.

With Dr. Neil Goodman’s Smart Liposuction 1- 2 liters of fat (1000-2000 ml) will normally be removed from the Abdomen and Love handles . This is many, many more times the fat removed.*

CoolSculpting After

What CoolSculpting Looks Like After Procedure

Smart Liposuction removes the fat needed to achieve the body sculpting result desired in the areas treated and unlike CoolSculpting which may remove 20% or 40% with two treatments1, With Smart Liposuction there is no waiting around for 3-6 months or coming back for a second treatment and results are dramatic. Dr, Goodman routinely performs Smart Liposuction on prior CoolSculpting patients and can show you before and after pictures of people exactly like yourself.*

If you are seeking a solution to bothersome fat deposits unresponsive to diet and exercise, SMART LIPOSUCTION works effectively and tightens your skin in the process.* CoolSculpting on the other hand has no skin tightening aspect.

New Radiance is a Joint Hospital Commission accredited facility which can remove up to 4 liters of fat during a liposuction procedure by Florida Law, most facilities are not accredited and therefore can remove only up to 1 liter during any case.1

Smartlipo laser liposuction was developed to remove unwanted fat utilizing the latest advancements in laser technology and does so at a fraction of the cost of CoolSculpting. Ounce per ounce of fat removed their is no comparison, Smart liposuction leaves CoolSculpting in the Ice Ages

Because CoolSculpting simply reduces fat in treated areas by an average of 20 percent1, it is not be a solution for those who also have loose skin. CoolScultping will not deliver the dramatic contouring results that can be provided by Smartlipo.*

Who is CoolSculpting designed for?

CoolSculpting by ZELTIQ is designed to remove small areas of fat deposits in “trouble spots” and is only for those with a mild amount of extra fat and people whose fat deposits are localized. CoolSculpting is designed for spot treatment of areas and claims to remove 20-25% of fat from a specific area 2-6 months after treatment.1

Patient charges for the smaller applicators (CoolCore and CoolCurve+) range from $600-750 per cycle. For the larger applicator (CoolMax), patient charges range from $1200-$1500/per cycle, similarly priced to two treatment areas with a smaller applicator. Patients average 8 treatments each, but need 10 or 12 when seeking liposuction-like results without surgery. Each treatment typically causes a 20-25% reduction in the size of the bulge treated1, but an area may be treated more than once for incremental bulge reduction. If you do the math this results in some huge costs. Liposuction-like results with 10-12 cycles at either $600-750 per cycle for the small applicator or $1200-$1500/per cycle for the larger applicator (CoolMax) is more than double the cost of Smart Liposuction with Dr Neil Goodman.

Smart liposuction, on the other hand can can sculpt the body and totally remove all unwanted fat from an area and does so at the time of the procedure PLUS it tightens skin to boot. So what should you choose?

Coolsculpting, also known as cryolipoylsis, is non-surgical device that uses controlled cooling to destroy some fat cells for body fat reduction but has no skin tightening effect. An area treated with CoolSculpting may get up to a 20% reduction of fat at the site where it is administered1 which therefore will require multiple treatments over an extended period of time. CoolSculpting results can take up to 6 months and the procedure can be costly. With Smartlipo Ultra the fat that you want removed can be physically removed from that area. You don’t have to wait months and you don’t need to come back because only 25% was removed and that was not enough to achieve the result you desired.*

If you are seeking a long-lasting solution to bothersome fat deposits unresponsive to diet and exercise, SMART LIPOSUCTION works effectively and also tightens your skin.* CoolSculpting on the other hand has no skin tightening aspect. Smartlipo laser liposuction was developed to remove unwanted fat utilizing the latest advancements in laser technology and does so at a fraction of the cost of CoolSculpting. 3 areas of Smart liposuction cost around $4000. Ounce per ounce of fat removed their is no comparision, Smartliposuction leaves CoolSculpting in the Ice Ages.*

Smart Liposuction delivers the most effective fat removal and cellulite treatment available today.* No other cosmetic surgery procedure comes close. Regain your figure now with laser body sculpting that you have to see to believe.

Smart Laser Liposuction is a procedure which has evolved. Initially, liposuction meant undergoing general anesthesia or heavy sedation in an OR, due to which the patients were at an increased risk and the procedure was costly. It also required long recovery period. But, times have changed and so has the process. Patients can now get SmartLipo and walk out the same day with little or no recovery and results are superior to Coolsculpting.*

What is Smart Liposuction?

Smart liposuction is advanced and perfected laser liposuction and offers a minimally invasive laser fat removal process that requires little to no recovery time and actually enhances and tightens your skin in the process.
Smart Liposuction removes unwanted fat utilizing the latest advancements in ultrasound and laser technology. No other cosmetic surgery procedure comes close to removing the same amount of fat with a walk-in procedure!*

If you are seeking a solution to bothersome fat deposits unresponsive to diet and exercise, Smart liposuction effectively removes fat and tightens your skin.*

  • Sculpts body, removes fat & tightens skin*
  • Walk in, walk out – back to work in a day
  • Safe, quick and easy – only local anesthesia needed
  • Treats cellulite at the source
  • Fat cells are removed – removed fat cells do not regrow1

The Smart liposuction procedure requires no post procedure pain medications as you will walk in and walk out and be doing light exercise the next day. Patients do not require extended recovery or overnight admission like with traditional old fashioned liposuction.*

So How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Fat is suctioned into a “paddle” and made very cold (just above freezing point), so that fat cells become irreparably damaged. It usually takes 1-3 hours per session, most areas require multiple sessions and it takes about 2 to 4 months to see results. CoolSculpting claims 20-25% reduction of fat in the localized treatment area and does not offer any skin tightening benefits.1

Find out the 3 Myths about CoolSculpting

Myth 1: CoolSculpting  is a Quick Fix. The actual procedures only take about two hours per area (an hour on the area plus before and after) but several areas may need to be treated so time is dependent on the total number of areas but as far as results, don’t expect to walk to skinny. Patients may not see start to see results for a few months and full results, may take up to 6 months after the procedure. Many patients report that the first treatment does not produce much as far as results given that a total of 20% reduction is shown as per the research and a second course of CoolSculpting treatments are then needed.1

Myth 2: It’s NOT an eat more Food Pass. CoolSculpting freezes 20% of the fat cells in a treated area while leaving 80% of the healthy cells in that area behind.1 Increasing dietary intake will simply allow the 80% of  fat cells left behind to increase in size and replace the volume …. Basically replacing any lost fat.

Myth 3: It Will Lift the Sag, Tighten Skin and Sagging Areas. Not to be confused skin tightening technologies such as Laser liposuction, CoolSculpting simply cause some fat cells to die specified area but it will not do anything as far as lifting sagging skin. If a patient is already experiencing sag and turns to CoolSculpting the appearance of sag may become even more apparent.

Read more about body contouring procedures.

See Amazing Smartlipo Pictures Here*

Both CoolSculpting and Smartlipo will reduce fatty pockets, but the outcomes are very different. Smart Liposuction not only by reduces fat but also by creates a more curvaceous body contour.* CoolSculpting can only reduce fat in specific areas and is not a sculpting technique. Because CoolSculpting simply reduces fat in treated areas by an average of 20 percent1, it is not be a solution for those who also have loose skin. CoolScultping will not deliver the dramatic contouring results that can be provided by Smartlipo.*

Smart Liposuction


How it works: Smart liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from under the skin, slimming and reshaping specific areas of the body. CoolSculpting is for fat reduction using a non-invasive cooling technique called Cryolipolysis to freeze localized fat.
Who makes a good candidate: Someone in good health with disproportionate contours due to fat deposits that won’t respond to diet and exercise. Someone close to their ideal body weight who has small areas of stubborn fat pockets such as belly bulges, love handles or back fat that won’t budge with diet and exercise.
Benefits: Dramatically improves body contour and shape.* Non-invasive procedure with a limit of 20- 25% of fat treated in an area1
Risks: There are possible risks involved but any risks are much lesser  than traditional liposuction as there is no anesthesia. You may not get the outcome you are looking for, and could need another treatment or an alternative treatment.
Recovery: A compression garment is usually worn following the procedure to control swelling. Some pain reported and Swelling and some bruising is expectedThe treated area may be numb or sensitive to touch directly after procedure*.
Results: Dramatic improvement in body shape and contour.The results from  will last as long as you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle as the fat cells themselves have actually been removed from your body.* CoolSculpting eliminates 20% of the fat cells in the treated areas.1 Multiple treatments in same areas are necessary top obtain liposuction like results
What it won’t do: Smartlipo is not a treatment for obesity, nor will it take place of proper diet and exercise. CoolSculpting will not tighten skin or improve body contour, it simply freezes fat cells!
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