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Now that the post-holiday blues have left us, and we find ourselves squarely set in 2015, it is time for us to speculate: what are the cosmetic trends for the year? It is a safe bet to claim that aesthetic enhancements will continue to grow; cosmetic surgery was reported to have increased for the last four consecutive years, and surgery among men has tripled over the past two decades, marking it as a growth demographic. And we feel confident that the trend in butt procedures isn’t going anywhere — not after publicly dubbing 2014 ‘The Year of the Booty’!

That said: which procedures will see an increase in 2015?

Brazilian Butt Lifts

The popular procedure, named after the country who perfected the surgery, will continue to attract women looking to be the next Kim Kardashian or Jennifer Lopez, as the desire for derriere doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Add to that the fact that both liposuction and fat transfer are two of the most popular procedures currently offered, as the technology and efficacy of the procedures has improved dramatically over the years.

From the British website “Liposuction is the third most popular surgical treatment in the UK, with fat transfer close behind in fourth and tummy tucks in seventh place, in terms of enquiries. Despite already being consistently popular, enquiries for liposuction have risen by 69% in the past 12 months, while fat transfer enquiries are up 166% and tummy tucks up 68%.”

Nose Jobs

A perennially popular procedure, rhinoplasty is currently all the rage. Open rhinoplasty — the procedure of making an incision on the bridge of the nose and peeling the skin back — is extremely popular: open nose jobs, rose by 1,200% in 2014, while nasal tip surgery saw an increase of 763%. And with non-invasive techniques for rhinoplasty on the rise, we predict an even greater amount in 2015. What is a non-invasive rhinoplasty? Dermal fillers are used, which are then sculpted. Results are only temporary in this case, but the procedure is less costly and therefore easier to try.

Breast Enhancement Combinations

The technology and skill level for breast enhancements are at an all-time peak, so it is no surprise that the preferred method for augmenting (or reducing) one’s breasts will use a variety of techniques. As Vasilica Baltateanu, managing director of Vasilica Aesthetics, put it, “this new concept combines the use of fat grafting to an implanted breast to increase the projection of the breast and reduce the unnatural look of artificial cleavage”

Pony Tail Lift

Via Fashion Times: “Ever notice how your face looks in a pony tail? The look is always super snatched and does wonders for the skin, lifting anything and everything. To achieve this same look, Dr. Miller offers patients the cutting-edge Ponytail Lift; designed to mimic the improved appearance that comes with pulled back hair and is minimally invasive.”

Male Breast Reduction

As we mentioned above, more and more men are looking to improve their appearance surgically, and one of the most common — and growing — procedures is male breast reduction. Sufferers from gynecomastia, an embarrassing and sometimes painful swelling of male breasts, can be treated via liposuction or by traditional surgery.

*Please note that with all surgical procedures individual results will vary.

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