Vanquish Fat Removal

Vanquish Fat For Good – Vanquish Fat Fast!
Non-Surgical & Painless – Meet The Most Effective RF Fat Removal Device Available – The New Vanquish ME.

With Vanquish ME treatments you can safely remove fat cells from your abdomen, flanks, back, arms and legs without Downtime or Surgery. Vanquish ME is NEW & available ONLY at New Radiance St. Lucie Florida.

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BTL Vanquish ME Fat Melting Treatment


BTL Vanquish ME is for people of all ages who want to remove fat in problem areas where exercise and diet have become ineffective.  Vanquish is a breakthrough in noninvasive fat-removal, that lasts because it uses radio-frequency waves to destroy fat cells, not just shrink them.

The NEW  BTL Vanquish ME Body Sculpting System represents the most sophisticated  radio frequency (RF) fat reduction device to be introduced to the market to date Unlike other technologies that can only target small pockets of fat while contacting the skin, Vanquish can reduce fat from a larger area without any skin contact. Waves penetrate the skin to heat the fat cells underneath, without damaging the skin or muscle structures around it. Your lymphatic system then removes these fat cells from your body; banishing the fat.


New Vanquish ME Flex Applicator Finally a technology to Reduce Fat around the Thighs and Saddle Bags and get rid of lose hanging fat under the Arms!

New Radiance is the first practice in Palm Beach and the Treasure Coast area to offer the brand-new Flex applicator by Vanquish! This applicator is used for noninvasive fat reduction and contouring of

BTL Vanquish flex

BTL Vanquish flex

the thighs and arms. The Flex applicator was made specially for use on the thighs and arms. It uses the same radio-frequency technology as Vanquish to non-surgically target and destroy fat cells in these areas. While Vanquish has had proven success in reducing the circumference of the abdomen, Flex has had the same success for the thighs. It can treat both the outer and inner thighs for a full circumferential reduction and contour. The Flex applicator is designed to smooth, tighten, and contour the entire thigh, resulting in shapely and youthful legs. It is especially effective on so-called saddlebags, the fatty deposits on the outer thighs which affect many women.

What makes the technology so remarkable is its ability to treat your whole abdominal area – from flank to flank – rather than isolated spots like other devices on the market. In this way, you achieve a more intense, more effective treatment session, every time.

The Vanquish Fat Melting Treatment uses Radio Frequency energy to target your fat cells and destroy them* without surgery or downtime. When you visit our Radiance of St. Lucie Cosmetic Center you will meet one-on-one with an expert practitioner who will personally introduce you to the Vanquish and help you plan a treatment to meet your body sculpting goals.

Read below for more information on how Vanquish melts your fat cells.

Before and Afters*

*Individual results may vary from patient to patient.


Science: How the Vanquish Eliminates Fat Cells

Vanquish Tissue Selectivity Diagram in St. Lucie

The Science Behind Vanquish ME

Vanquish ‘s  radio-frequency (RF) energy  is specifically tuned to target fat cells. Due to the fact that electrical impedance of various tissue layers change BTL Vanquish ME is able to match and target  thermal energy into the impedance range of your fat tissue, targeting only your fat, and not your skin and underlying organs.

The Result? The procedure is able to trigger heat induced apoptosis – a deliberate elimination of your fat cells, and a reduction in fat around the treated area.

The Vanquish ME treatment system is able to produce results, fast. Depending on the condition treated, the typical number of treatments required is between 2 to 6 sessions, scheduled 7 to 14 days apart. In many cases, patients have reported visible results as soon as a few days after treatment using Vanquish ME.

The revolutionary part of the process is that the energy only targets your fat allowing it to safely eliminate fat cells without surgery or the pain associated with treatments like CoolSculpting!

Watch Whoopie Try Vanquish

Vanquish has already been featured on:

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and now these same fat melting treatments* are available to you at New Radiance of Port St. Lucie.

Have Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Will I feel pain during my Vanquish treatments?

There is no pain associated with the treatments. You will be positioned very comfortably, during all of our therapies. Some of the patients describe the procedures as a spa experience; many of them close their eyes and relax, while others enjoy reading a book or magazine.

When can I go back to the gym after my treatment?

While patients may experience minimal side effects after the treatment such as mild redness, tissue tenderness or warmth, these side effects last only minutes to hours and have no direct impact on your everyday life. You can return to your daily routine right after the treatment.

Vanquish was designed with active individuals like you in mind and will not slow down your life. We always recommend our patients include diet and exercise as part of their lifestyle. However Vanquish eliminates fat even without diet and exercise using RF Wave lengths to heat your fat cells until they melt and are naturally removed by your body. Remember as with all cosmetic procedures your results will vary*

How long does the procedure take?

It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a maximum of an hour to perform the entire treatment session. The duration is depends on your individual fat loss goals and your Vanquish provider will work with you to setup the optimal treatment plan to sculpt your body.

When will I see results?

You may start to see improvements of your appearance just days after your first treatment session. The treatments are effective even without a strict diet or exercise regimen. Patients become newly motivated to stay in a good physical as well as mental shape. Your results will last as long as you maintain your current weight and healthy lifestyle.*


I'm fit & exercise regularly. I've done 1/2 marathons/triathlons & do Pilates AND I eat really healthy. But still I didn’t have the stomach I wanted. Procedure is painless. In fact I took naps through each. After 3 treatments, I have the tummy I deserve. Now my pants feel amazing & I’m bikini ready! It's worth it!

Real Self Review

I could not shrink my love handles no hard I worked out, so I wanted to slightly change my waist shape. I have 5 treatments and it worked beautifully. It's not a drastic difference, but I knew it wouldn't be for me (however a girl there shared hers and they were very drastic!). I am happy to have the jeans fit better, and just have an overall nicer shape in swim and dresses. He said I may continue to see a little shrinkage the next six weeks. I did not work out at all, as I was working too hard, so the credit is all due to this machine. If it's too close to your body, it does get hot, but they readjust and have a fan as needed. I had no side effects at all.

Real Self Review

I was going on vacation during the summer and didn't start working out in time LOL. I was headed to a beach destination and I had seen the Vanquish poster in Dr. Patel's office during one of my laser sessions and decided to give it a try. You go to each session once a week. The sessions were painless. It only leaves your skin with little redness for about 20 minutes after (and I have pretty sensitive skin). End result: It made me look way better in my bathing suit.

Real Self Review

Award Winning

Watch Vanquish Procedure


    The New Vanquish ME Melts your fat without Surgery or Downtime.

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