Smart Liposuction – The Safest, Most Effective, Most Affordable Laser Body Sculpting Available. It removes more fat than other procedures, giving you the body you desire for thousands of dollars less!*

Dr. Neil C Goodman is a Smart Liposuction expert who performs more liposuction than any other surgeon in Florida. He has thousands of Before and After pictures so he can show you someone with a pre-liposuction body just like you so you can see exactly what your results will be!*


  • Dr. Neil Goodman is one of the Nation’s Top Laser Liposuction Surgeons as well as a Fat Transfer Expert. His specialty is Smart Liposuction – It’s what he does. Dr Goodman performs 45 cases every month with unparalleled skill, delivering one of the most effective fat removal and Body Sculpting available anywhere. Because of his unparalleled skill and efficiency he offers individual pricing. Quotes for his procedures are typically thousands of dollars less than other local facilities based on the amount of fat removed and areas treated.
  • Walk in and walk out – NO General Anesthesia risks!
  • Smart Liposuction removes much more fat than other office based laser liposuction procedures (Smartlipo,Vaser,Cool lipo) .*
  • Thinking Of CoolSculpting – Smart Liposuction Removes 20-40 Times more fat than CoolSculpting with no waiting 3-6 months for results!*

Doctor Goodman MD, PC, FACOG, FAACS is a truly gifted surgeon, who is nationally known as one of the top Smart laser liposuction and fat grafting experts. Dr. Goodman has performed over 5000 Smart Liposuction procedures and has perfected his Smart Liposuction techniques. He additionally is a fat transfer expert of fat transfer to breast, face & buttocks (known as a Brazilian Butt Lift).

Dr. Goodman’s Smart Laser Liposuction legally removes 4 times more fat than Smartlipo and other laser liposuction procedure performed at other Non-Accredited facilities because New Radiance has been accredited by The Joint Hospital Commission for office based liposuction. Other Non-Accredited facilities are restricted to less than 1 liter of fat removed by law which greatly limits desirable results.*

Before and After Pictures of Dr Neil C Goodman*

Liposuction for CelluliteLarge Volume Liposuction

Dr. Goodman is accredited at New Radiance and approved by The Joint Hospital Commission and the Florida Board of Medicine for Level 1 office based surgery which allows for removal of up to 4 liters of fat. Most facilities are not approved and therefore are restricted to removing only 1 liter of fat or less which greatly limits the results possible.

Smart Liposuction, a solution to problem areas of fat which are unresponsive to diet and exercise and also tightens skin magnificently, was developed by Dr Neil Goodman to remove unwanted fat and sculpt the body utilizing the latest advancements in laser technology.

Dr Neil Goodman is New York and St. Lucie’s Laser Liposuction Expert and the Board Certified Surgeon who will deliver the most effective fat removal and Body Sculpting available anywhere today.*  This body sculpting procedure leaves “Smartlipo” laser lipo far behind and CoolSculpting in the Ice Ages. You can regain your figure now with Smart Liposuction body sculpting. Dr Goodman can prove his results – He has thousands of before and after pictures to show you that you must see to believe.

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    Smart Liposuction Advantages:

    • Sculpts body, Removes Fat, Stimulates Collagen and Tightens Skin.*
    • Safe, quick and easy – Only local Anesthesia Needed. No General Anesthesia Risks!
    • Walk-in, Walk-out: Back to work in a Day
    • Smart Liposuction results are far superior to liposuction.*
    • Treats cellulite – One of the most effective treatment currently available.

    Smart Liposuction uses a tiny laser fiber to delivery energy and disrupts fat cells, allowing the removal of liquid fat, while significantly heating the skin. By heating the deep skin, the laser stimulates cells in the skin to create new collagen. Collagen forms a weave which gives skin strength and elasticity. The end result is significant skin tightening, leaving you with much smoother, tighter skin.

    Smart liposuction uses only local anesthesia which eliminates the risks of general anesthesia. Therefore it is one of the safest cosmetic procedures performed today. During Smart lipo Ultra you will be completely comfortable yet fully awake and able to provide the doctor with important feedback on sensation and warmth in the treatment areas. This allows for removal of significantly more fat than with other techniques; yet another reason why it is superior to other liposuction techniques. The procedure requires no post procedure pain medications as you will walk in and walk out and be doing light exercise the next day. Patients do not require extended recovery or overnight admission like with traditional old fashioned liposuction. At New Radiance we believe each patient deserves a unique and individualized treatment. We will meet with you for an extensive consultation prior to the procedure. After the procedure he will also personally see you for follow up.

    • Results in Fat Cells being Removed from area – Fat Cells do NOT grow back..

    Consultations with Dr. Neil Goodman are no obligation and absolutely free. Rest assured that Dr. Goodman will answer all your questions and let you know all the options possible to achieve your aesthetic and body sculpting goals. During your consult he can show you hundreds of before and after liposuction pictures which will demonstrate his unmatched skill. No doubt you have a few questions about this exciting new way of transforming your body from the one you see in your mirror to the skinnier and tighter body you desire. Just give us a call, or simply fill out the Free Consultation form on this page. You can soon be living in the body you’ve dreamed of with Smart laser liposuction.*

    Before and After pictures are patients of Dr. Neil C Goodman.*

    male abs liposuctionliposuction before after

    Laser liposuction effectively removes fat, tightens skin and treats cellulite. Unfortunately, the aging process also creates droopy buttocks and breasts which is why breast augmentation with implants is the #1 cosmetic surgery procedure in the Nation. But the most exciting advancement in cosmetic surgery today is fat transfer to the buttocks called “Brazilian Butt Lift” and fat transfer to the breasts.

    Liposuction sculpts your body removing areas of fat deposit where you do not want them. Fat grafting reshapes your body putting lost fat where it can used to sculpt a curvaceous figure such as to the breast for a “natural” breast augmentation or to the buttocks in order to convert a sagging buttocks and it into a “Brazilian Butt” with the Brazilian Butt lift technique of fat grafting to the buttocks.

    Smart Liposuction combines two procedures in one – minimally invasive liposuction and laser skin tightening to deliver one of the most effective fat removal and cellulite treatment available today. No other cosmetic surgery procedure comes close. Regain your figure now with laser body sculpting that you have to see to believe.

    Before and After pictures are patients of Dr. Neil C Goodman.*


    liposuction for armslegs liposuction

    How does this compare to CoolScupting Fat Freezing? CoolSculpting by ZELTIQ is designed for spot treatment of areas and claims reduction of 20-25% of fat from a specific area 2-6 months after treatment and has no body contouring or skin tightening aspects. Smart Laser Liposuction can be used to sculpt the body and can also take a much higher percentage of fat which is removed at the time of treatment with no waiting. Smart Laser Liposuction is also much more affordable than CoolSculpting as CoolSculpting ranges from $600-750 to $1200-$1500/per cycle for small applicator and larges applicator for small and large areas. In treating several areas, patients average 8 cycles making cost a very real concern. But, as per the Company when seeking“liposuction-like results without surgery” patients need 10 or 12 cycles. Add those numbers up and the total cost of CoolSculpting comes to almost triple the cost of Smart Liposuction with Dr. Neil Goodman.

    Laser Liposuction with fat transfer to breast or buttocks are safe, comfortable procedures which are so gentle that patients resume normal activity within a few hours. Most patients can resume work and light exercise the next day and only require Tylenol for a day or two after the procedure. Tremendous advancements have been made in the science of fat removal and skin tightening. Smartlipo and Ultrasonic Liposuction combine the two most effective technologies into one safe procedure that removes unwanted fat and tightens skin. Ultrasonic energy is used to heat and melt fat which is then easily removed as a liquid with no damage to blood vessels and nerves in the fat.


    Smart Liposuction Cellulite Reduction

    85 – 98% of women will develop cellulite at some point in their lives 151,000,000 women in the US alone. Did you know that no amount of diet or exercise can prevent or reduce cellulite? Even average, lean and fit women frequently have cellulite. Smart lipo cellulite reduction isn’t just about creating smoother, tighter skin – it’s also about creating a more confident, self-assured you.


    I definitely had problem fat on my abs, hips, and thighs lower buttock area and it made it difficult for me to get clothes to fit my figure. The exercise and dieting routines I did didn’t effect those areas. There are several Smart Lipo centers that I could go to but I chose Smart Lipo St. Lucie because I had a friend who also had the procedure done there and she told me about it and looked great. I felt safer going there considering that it was a certified Smart Lipo training center. I am so glad that I did as I am now a well-sculpted and happy client with a beautiful derriere.

    Tracy B

    Smart Lipo St. Lucie has done for me what years of diet and exercise couldn’t. I had a double chin and wobbly underarms so that short sleeves were embarrassing. Now, my unflattering upper arm fat is gone and my neck and chin make me look 40 pounds lighter plus my skin feels smoother and tighter. Sleeveless clothes are now part of my wardrobe again for the first time in years.


    Following the delivery of third child, I was left with a tummy with a bulge of fat that and nothing I did could persuade it to go away. I also had sagging, loose skin that I felt it looked terrible. I didn’t ever want to put a bathing suit on again. SmartLipo Ultra laser liposuction at SLPB Liposculpture Center perfected my tummy, leaving me looking almost the way I looked like prior to my kids, doing wonders for my figure and self confidence. I can now even wear a bikini. Thank you Smart Lipo St. Lucie.

    Barbara Simon

    God how I wanted to get rid of my back fat, belly roll and love handles but nothing worked and I was lost for what to do. Then I heard about Smart Lipo St. Lucie. I had heard radio spots for other places but went online and read the blogs and they are scary. Wow, talk about unhappy customers. So I put it off and thought it was just a scam. Then a friend told me about Smart lipo St. Lucie. She said this was a place that offers SmartLipo as just one of many services. I hoped for the best and that is exactly what I got. Thank you so much Smart Lipo St. Lucie staff.
