IPL Photorejuvenation  – Intense Pulsed Light Photofacial

The Science of Light: IPL Helps Restore the Skin’s Youthful Glow*

IPL Photofacial is the use of intense pulsed light to specifically target age and sun related spots and correct hyperpigmentation and malasma issues. IPL photorejuvenation is very effective at improving the appearance of sun damaged, aged skin as it can remove brown spots and redness, age spots and small facial veins resulting in blemish free and youthful-looking skin.  IPL Photofacial treatments also consistently and predictably improve texture, tone and color of the skin with little to no down time. IPL has also been shown to stimulate the growth of new collagen as well as decrease pore size, giving skin a more youthful appearance. Other areas on the body with spots and sun damage, such as the chest (decollete), hands, arms, back, and legs can be treated with IPL Photofacial.

IPL Treatment is ideal for:

  • Blemishes and uneven skin tone
  • Age Spots, Sun Spots, Liver Spots, freckles
  • Facial Blood Vessels and Capillaries
  • Rosacea and redness of face and chest
  • Enlarged Pores
IPL Before & Afters

Individual results will vary and may not exactly match Before & Afters.

IPL improves the appearance of sun-damaged and aged skin and reduces spots and redness, resulting in more youthful-looking skin. IPL Photofacial treatments consistently and predictably improve the texture, tone and color of the skin with little to no down time. IPL also stimulates the growth of collagen, decreases pore size and gives skin a youthful appearance. Any area on the body, such as the chest, hands, arms, back, and legs can be treated with IPL Photofacial.

The best candidates for this procedure are patients with rosacea, red flushed faces secondary to acne rosacea, facial blood vessels and capillaries, sun damaged skin, pigmented facial spots and enlarged pores.

Click here for IPL Before & After Photos*

Typically a series of 3 IPL treatments is recommended but you will see results with your first treatment. A day or two after treatment sun and age spots will get even darker and then begin to flake off.  This occurs if pigment is superficially located in the layers of your skin.  When pigment is located in the deeper layers of skin, as is often the case in melasma, there may be little initial darkening of pigment and a series of treatments will be needed.  Although it is not always possible to eliminate all spots and browness, dramatic lightening and improvement is common.*


To schedule a free consultation for IPL treatment in Port St. Lucie, please contact us today.

What if an downtime is there with IPL?
There is minimal downtime with IPL.  To avoid complications and obtain the best possible outcome, it is recommended that you stay out of the sun for a week or two and avoid direct sun exposure for 48 hours before your treatment.  Treatments should never be done over recently tanned skin. Staying out of the sun during the 2 weeks following treatment when spots are flaking off and new skin is exposed is also important.

How long do results last?
With sun protection results can last for years.* Skin is genetically programmed to pigment in response to UV radiation exposure. It is impossible to avoid all sun exposure but the more avoidance the less pigment. Even with the best of skin care and protection, new brown spots may emerge gradually over time.

It is recommended that a skin care regimen be followed. To protect your skin, you should use sun screen and also utilize skin care products designed to suppress new development spots and discoloration.

How does the IPL work?
IPL targets cells that contain the excess pigment and then causes the pigment to rise to the surface of the skin where it sloughs off.  Because pigmentation cells are deposited at various levels/layers of the skin it can sometimes take up to 6 treatments to reach the deeper pigment and to obtain optimal results.*  For facial redness IPL zaps and closes down the tiny blood vessels that cause the redness.    IPL can be used to treat all areas of the body