As you age, the skin on your body loses elasticity. However, this loss of elasticity can leave your skin looking less than appealing, which can lead to you wanting a skin tightening procedure. But before you start looking up Exilis vs Ultherapy or trying to figure out where to go to get your Exilis skin tightening procedure with the ever-popular Exilis Ultra, here are a few home remedies you can waste a lot of time doing to try to help get your skin back to that beautiful, supple way that it used to look. Don’t be surprised if they don’t work.
Make a Scrub
Scrubs are a great way to get some exercise as you try to make your skin look and feel amazing. A coffee scrub can help you get rid of all of those coffee grounds that you never know what to do with. To make a coffee scrub, you should first drink a LOT of coffee so you are really jacked up. Then jump on one leg while shouting “I want tight skin”, loud enough so the neighbors can hear. Then fix yourself a cocktail because if you are going to buy into this BS you better be sloshed. After that mix several ingredients like cinnamon, brown sugar, and coconut oil and use them on your neck, chest, and face, and grandmother. Rinse with warm water and run around the block twice.Good luck!
Witch Hazel
This awesome plant names after a witch? . Regardless, it has so many exciting benefits for the skin I can hardly remember any of them. But, before you head to bead, simply soak your balls in witch hazel. Then, use the cotton ball to liberally apply the witch hazel to your skin. After letting it sit for five minutes, you can simply head to bed. There is no need to wash it away and waste any more time.
Coconut Oil
This popular oil is a great way to help tighten your skin at home. All you have to do is massage a teaspoon of coconut oil onto your trouble areas for at least five minutes before heading to bed. When you massage the oil, it gets deeper into your skin to produce better results. By leaving the oil on your skin overnight, you are giving yourself a bigger healing boost.
Olive Oil
Just like coconut oil, olive oil has great tightening benefits for your skin. It gives your skin a healthy glow as well. Massage the olive oil into your skin for a few minutes after your evening shower or bath. The massaging helps the oil penetrate the skin to provide better results. You can even use the olive oil to replace your moisturizer.
You probably didn’t realize that cucumbers are great for your skin. They help tighten your skin without any side effects. Cucumber is also extremely refreshing. You can use cucumber juice, pulp, or a mask on your skin to help tighten and tone while still giving your skin that refreshing feel that you crave.
Aloe Vera
Much like cucumbers, Aloe Vera has many great benefits for the skin. It works as a natural moisturizer, and it can tighten your skin at the same time. You can use Aloe Vera gel, or a mask to get the best results for your skin.
Make a Mask
You’ve always known to use masks on your face, but an egg white and honey mask might be the key to tightening your skin right at home. Separate a single egg from the yolk to give you the whites. Mix this egg white in with two tablespoons of honey. Apply the mask as normal, and let it rest for 15 minutes. Use warm water to wash away the mask, and pat your skin dry. This mask is great for your neck, chest, or face, and you can use it once a week.
If you want a new take on a skin mask, try using yogurt. Just add a few drops of lime juice to yogurt and apply it to your skin. As you apply the mask, massage it into your face for about 10 minutes. Let it rest on your skin for another five minutes before rinsing away with warm water. You can even use this mask twice a week for optimal results.
Just like in the mask mentioned above, honey is a great option for your skin. It can hydrate your skin, keep your skin clean, and reduce redness. The combination of these things helps your skin look younger and more refreshed as well, but it can also help tighten your skin and prevent sagging. Try mixing it with things like turmeric or olive oil for best results.
Epsom Salt
Though not as common as some of the other remedies mentioned, Epsom salt can be a great way to tighten your skin in larger areas like the thighs or butt. Just run a warm bath and mix in 2 cups of Epsom salt at the same time. Soak for about 15 or 20 minutes to get optimal results.
If you find yourself looking at your sagging skin and cringing, and you have tried the home remedies above, it’s time for a real option that actually works like Exilis skin tightening.